about us

Learn. Play. Grow.

Exeter Child Care Centre is a Community based, not-for-profit organisation managed by a committee of parents, educators, community representatives, and Exeter Primary School representatives.

The service was first opened in 1992, and we have been in our current location since 1998.

We encourage family involvement by working in partnership while caring for your child, and we have social get-togethers for families and children throughout the year.

The centre is in walking distance to Exeter Primary School, and Long Day Care (LDC) children have opportunities to participate in the school’s Launching into Learning program (LIL).

The Centre provides both Long Day Care (LDC) and Outside School Hours Care (OSHC), including Vacation Care during the school holidays.

Our qualified educators strive to create a positive, nurturing environment that promotes both structured and unstructured play, teaching essential skills to developing minds.

At Exeter Child Care Centre we provide an inclusive, educational and supportive environment that fosters a sense of belonging and is welcoming to all children and families living or working in the West Tamar area. Children’s well-being is at the centre of our decision-making process.

We believe:

  • Every child is unique and deserves respect.
  • Every child has the right to the highest quality care and education.
  • The rights of the child are paramount.
  • Our educators are the Centre’s most valuable resource.
  • Our Program will be inclusive, supportive, educational, challenging and enjoyable for all children.

We value:

  • Play as an important and effective learning strategy that supports imagination, experimentation, exploration, risk taking and curiosity.
  • A program that promotes spontaneity, risk taking, discovery and open-ended play with a holistic approach to all aspects of children’s learning, development and well-being.
  • Natural and outdoor environments as a vital part of our program, fostering an appreciation of the natural world between people, animals, plants and land.
  • Partnerships with families as a source of invaluable information that are central to ensuring continuity, progression and development.
  • Diversity and the multicultural nature of the community in which we live and acknowledge the original custodians of the land.
    Our management committee, who are strongly involved in the running and decision making of the centre.

Our goals:

  • Continue to promote and implement sustainable practices, ensuring they are embedded into children’s daily routines through water conservation, recycling and green waste management.
  • To remain affordable, flexible, accessible to all families.
  • Continue to foster a safe, secure and nurturing environment for children and their families.
  • Ongoing commitment to the development of educator knowledge and training using current information and resources.
  • Continue to provide an environment which promotes high health, safety and hygiene standards.
  • Ongoing dedication to foster an environment that promotes inclusion and respect for diversity for all our families and our community.

The Management Committee is made up of parents, staff, West Tamar Council representatives and Exeter Primary School representatives. The committee meet on the last Wednesday of every month with the AGM being held in September every year.

All parents are eligible to participate on the committee as part of their enrolment fee and participation in the running of the centre is always welcomed.

Our experienced educators are qualified with Certificate III, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Children’s Services and Bachelor of Education. Staff are qualified in First Aid, CPR, Anaphylaxis and Asthma.

The centre supports its educators in their continual training in order to maintain a high level of excellence in allowing them to attend training courses during work hours and holding in-house training sessions of an evening to enable all staff to participate.

Students from Exeter High School, Launceston College, Skills Institute, TasTAFE and UTAS are present at the centre at various times as part of their education and training.

Parents will be notified when students are on placement at the centre.


Director / Educator






Educational Leader / Educator























Long Day Care: Full Day – $114.00

Long Day Care: Half Day – $70.00

Before & After School Care – $27.00 to $52.00

Vacation Care: Full Day – $85.00

Enrolment Fee $50.00 per child up to a maximum of $65.00 per family

The centre is open Monday to Friday from 7:30am – 6:00pm. It is closed on all public holidays and over the Christmas period.

Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is available to off-set fees if parents meet the required eligibility. Contact Services Australia on 13 61 50 for further information or through your MyGov account.

To view a complete copy of our Fee Policy, please contact us.